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Leopard in a Cage confronted by two Mastiffs, 1739. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Spaniel Seizing a Bittern, 1725. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Stag Hunt, 1723. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
The Dachshound Pehr with Dead Game and Rifle, 1740. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
The Lion and the Fly, 1732. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Still Life of Fruits and Vegetables ("Earth"), 1721. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Still Life with a Spaniel Chasing Ducks ("Water"), 1719. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Still Life with Dead Game and a Silver Tureen on a Turkish Carpet, 1738. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Still Life with a Rifle, Hare and Bird ("Fire"), 1720. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Water Spaniel Surprising a Swan on its Nest, 1740. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Hounds with Wild-Fowl and Game, 1726. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Dream of Rinaldo, c. 1751. Creators: Francois Boucher, Jean-Baptiste Oudry, Nicolas Besnier.
Chasse au sanglier, d'après Hondius, between 1686 and 1755. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Ragotin enivré par La Rancune, 1726/1727. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Ragotin lie par les parents du fou, 1727. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Ragotin declame des vers; des paysans croient qu'il preche, 1737. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Ragotin dans le coffre, 1737. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
L'Arrivee de l'Operateur dans l'hotellerie, 1727. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
On trouve le corps mort de l'hote que l'on avait cache, 1727. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
La Rancune en brancard, abattu dans le bourbier, 1726. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
The Scene with the Tall Baguenodière, 1726/1727. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
The Partridge and the Cocks, 1732. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
The Partridge Saves Her Young, 1732. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Standing Woman, c. 1730. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Le Petit-Pont, après l'incendie de 1718, 1718. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Paysage avecun oiseau, 1730. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
The Petit-Pont, after the fire of 1718, between 1701 and 1800. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
View of the Park at Arcueil, 1744. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Partridge, n.d. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
The Sick Stag, 1733. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Men Attacking Wolves ("Rien de Trop III"), 1732. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
A Wild Swan Attacked by a Dog, c. 1740. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Lattice Work and Reflecting Pool at Arcueil, 1744/47. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
View of the Port of Dieppe, c. 1727. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Comic Stories: The Plunderer Falls on the Goat, 1726. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Deer Attacked by Dogs, 1725. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
The Wolf at Bay, n.d. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
The Adventure of the Chamber Pot, plate four from Scènes du Roman Comique, n.d. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Four Hunting Subjects, No. 1, 1725. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Arrival of the Comedians, n.d. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Sheep in the Field ("Rien de trop I"), 1732. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Wolves Attacking Sheep ("Rein de Trop II"), 1732. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Still Life with Monkey, Fruits, and Flowers, 1724. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Henri Camille, Chevalier de Beringhen, 1722. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Misse and Luttine, 1729. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Fox Hunt, 1736. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Ducks Resting in Sunshine, 1753. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Dog Guarding Dead Game, 1753. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
Ducks Resting in Sunshine, 1753. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Oudry.
'Still life with a Leg of Veal', French painting of 18th century. Artist: Jean-Baptiste Oudry